Load Types and Combinations

Load Types and Combinations

Structural framing needs to be designed for loads that fulfill client’s performance requirements, to transfer loads stably through proper load paths, and to fulfill code requirements for spans and headroom heights for the specific type of usage.

Vertical loads

1.    Live loads based on the specific type of use

2.    Superimposed dead loads (floor finishes, non-structural partitions, ceilings, and services)

3.    Fixed equipment loads

4.    Soil self-weight

5.    Dead load or self-weight of the structure

Horizontal Loads

1.    Lateral wind loads that should be distributed at center of mass

2.    Soil, surcharge, and water loads

3.    Notional horizontal loading (loading that are used for structural stability of column and walls)

4.    Seismic loads

Some loads that affect the internal stresses of the structural members are not considered in design calculations include temperature, expansion, shrinkage, contraction, inertial, and support movement forces.

Load Combinations

LC1: 1.4DL + 1.6LL

LC2: 1.4DL + 1.4WL

LC3: 1.2DL + 1.2Ll + 1.2WL

DL = Dead Load

LL = Live Load

WL = Wind Load

Note: Superimposed dead loads (SDL) should have the same factor of safety as that of dead loads.


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