DAMPTECH is the only company in the world providing damping devices and solutions based on DAMPTECHs proprietary patented Rotational Friction Damping Technology.

DAMPTECH dampers can protect buildings, bridges, elevated highways, towers, offshore structures, industrial buildings, houses and prefabricated panels against earthquakes, storms or waves.

The Rotational Friction Damper was patented and registered originally in 1999, and most recently in 2014, and is wholly owned by DAMPTECH A/S.

The DAMPTECH dampers main advantages:

  • Efficiently reduces vibrations
  • Very reliable performance
  • Very economical
  • Easy to manufacture and install
  • Compact and Light weight
  • Can fit in small and narrow spaces
  • Superior in energy dissipation among all dampers
  • Can easily be adjusted after use (in place)
  • Constant protection after repeated storms or seismic events
  • A wide range of different design models & applications
  • No maintenance, No fluids, No corrosive surfaces, No loss of friction over multiple earthquakes or storms.
  • Long lasting life time (usually more than life time of structure, depending on the conditions of use)

DAMPTECH dampers are equally suited for new concrete, steel and timber frame structures as well as for retrofitting of existing structures.

DAMPTECH A/S is a public limited company based in Denmark with a number of international partners and distributors.

For any inquiries please feel free to contact us either by mail or by phone.


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