Structural Engineering Spreadsheet | URL | Inputs | Outputs | Based on… | Comments |
Shear and Tying Resistance of End Plates | | Steel gradeBeam sizePlate thickness and widthBolt rowsBolt distances | Bolt shear resistanceBearing resistanceGroup bolt resistanceEnd plate shear resistanceWeld resistanceBeam web shear resistanceTying resistance of bolt, end plate, beam web, and weld | BS EN 1993-1-8 | – |
Base Plate Design | | Column sizeConcrete gradeBaseplate sizeSteel gradeThickness of plate | Axial resistanceMax plate cantilever | BS EN 1993-1-1 | Only applies to UKB, UKC, or hollow sections |
Vertical Shear and Tying Resistance of Fin Plates | | Steel gradeBeam sizePlate thicknessBolt rowsBolt distances | Bolt shear resistanceBolt bearing resistance in fit plate and beam webBeam web shear resistanceFin plate shear resistanceBearing resistanceTension resistanceWeld resistance | BS EN 1993-1-8 | – |
Compression resistance of gusset plates | | Steel gradeSetting out (bracing angle)Bolt distancesTab and gusset plate geometry properties | Bolt resistanceGusset plate resistasnceTab plate resistance | – | Gusset plates for use of diagonal bracing Can input one edge gusset plate (for roof bracing) or two edges (bracing at beam-to-column connection) |
Design of weld groups according to shear, bending, and torsion | | Applied momentWeld group geometryApplied axial loadDesign strength | Strength checkCentroid of weld groupStress and force results of weld lengthsLoad eccentricity moments at centroidResultant moments to weld groupWeld coordinates | BS 5950-1:2000 | – |
Design of bolts and welds | | Bolt headsShear plane positionBolt gradeGrade of connected part | Table that has tension capacity, shear capacity, bearing capacity of respective bolt diameters High strength friction grip bolts under specified slip factor Combined tension and shear capacity for each bolt diameter Table of capacities of fillet welds | BS 449: Part 2 | – |
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Posted inGeneral Concepts
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