construction loads

construction loads

I believe Temporary Structure Design is truly the most important topic for construction engineers. I think this is the reason NCEES and the engineering community decided to make a module on the PE exam for Construction Engineering. Temporary structures are never really given much thought when designing or constructing projects. There has always been and continues to be limited standards on temporary construction. The construction is usually something just put up for erection of the structure that is being built. So quality and the cost of the temporary structures are always the very, very bare minimum to get the job done. This is the problem and the reason why more structures fail during construction than in service after completion; and many if not most of them occur as the result of the failure of “is the cause of more accidents than “temporary structures” that are used to provide support, protection or access during construction.

à For Temporary Structures you still have to consider all the loads. The loads to consider as expressed in ASCE 37-02 are;