Structural Engineering Spreadsheet | URL | Inputs | Outputs | Based on… | Comments |
Design of rectangular RC sections under bi-axial shear, bending, compression or tension | | Applied axial loadColumn dimensionsArea of reinforcementCoverRebar arrangementShear linksOption of singly or doubly reinforced section | Biaxial bending checkShear checksReinforcement requirement checksStress and strain of steel above x and y axis | BS 8110-1 | – |
Design of concrete structures that retain aqueous liquids | | Reinforcement typeConcrete gradeDepth of sectionConcrete coverReinforcement sizeReinforcement spacingCrack width | Serviceability limit state checksMax moment capacityMax shear capacityCrack requirement checksReinforcement requirement checksSteel ratio required for control of thermal and shrinkage cracking | BS 8007BS 8110 | – |
Design of RC rectangular beam | | Concrete gradeReinforcement gradeConcrete section dimensionsArea of reinforcementArea of stirrupsDesign moment | Span/depth ratio design and limitMax bending capacityMax shear capacity of concreteMax shear capacity of stirrupsTorsion capacity | BS 8110: Part 1&2 | – |
Design of RC columns | | Braced or unbraced conditionsApplied axial loadConcrete gradeSteel gradeSection sizeSupport condtiionsEffective lengthReinforcement sizeReinforcement arranagement | Column slenderness checkMax axial capacityReinforcement reinforcement checksMax bending capacity | BS 8110 | – |
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Design for rectangular, T-shaped, or circular RC columns | | Material propertiesSection propertiesReinforcement sizesNumber of reinforcementReinforcement spacingReinforcement position based on coordinatesApplied loads | Crack width control analysisCapacity checks against axial load and momentStatic equilibrium checksInteraction diagram of P vs M | Eurocode 2 | – |
Design of RC circular columns | | Concrete gradeSteel gradeSection diameterApplied axial loadApplied momentBraced or unbraced conditionsEffective lengthCover | Max axial capacityReinforcement requirement checksColumn slenderness checkMin diameter checks | – | – |
Design of Retaining Wall due to Lateral and Verigcal LOads | | Surcharge loadsWall heightWall thicknessBase thicknessHeel and toe lengthWall densityEarth densityAngle of reposeCoefficient of frictionGround pressures in vertical or horizontal directionWater LloadsWater table levelApplied point or line loadsOption of including passive earth pressure | Stability checks for sliding and overturningChecks for restoring and eccentric momentGround bearing checks | – | – |
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