The following are the advantages of welded joints.

·         Due to the absence of gusset plates and other connecters, the welds are usually lighter.

·         Welding process is quicker as it requires no drilling of holes.

·         Welding is more adaptable than other types of connections and can even be used in circular pipes.

·         100% efficiency can be achieved in welding where as the connection such as bolts can have a maximum efficiency of 70 – 80%.

·         Noise produced during the welding process is relatively less.

§  Welds usually have good aesthetic appearance.

·         Welded joints are air tight and water tight and can be used for water tanks and gas tanks.

·         Welded joints are rigid.

·         Mismatch of holes will never happen in welded connection.

·         Alternation of joints can easily be made in the case of welded connecetions.

However the welded connection is having the following disadvantages. 

§  Due to the uneven heating and cooling, members are likely to distort in the process of welding.

§  Possibility of brittle fracture is more in the case of welded connections.

§  Welded connections are more prone to failure due to fatigue stresses.

§  The inspection of welded joints is difficult and expensive. It can only be done by employing NDT.

§  Highly skilled persons are required for welding.

§  Proper welding in field conditions is difficult.

§  Welded joints are over rigid.

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