Slenderness Ratio

lenderness ratio of column is basically defined as the ratio of effective length of the column to the least radius of gyration. Slenderness ratio will be given in numbers because it is one ratio and hence slenderness ratio will not have any unit.

Slenderness Ratio

•  Long Column

•  Short Column

•  Intermediate Column

What Is Short Column? | Short Column

•  When this ratio of effective length to the least lateral dimensions of this column is less than 12, then it is knowns a short column.


•  When this ratio of effective length to the least radius of gyration is less than 45, then it is called a short column

•  When the length of the column is less as compared to its c/s dimension, it is called the Short column.

•  Short Column

•  Le/r main < 50


•  Le/d < 15

•  Crushing Load: The load at which a short column fails by crushing is called a crushing load.

What Is Intermediate Column? | Intermediate Column

•  Column is Intermediate

•  30d > L > 4d


•  100 > Le / r min > 30or Critical slenderness ratio.

What Is Long Column? | Long Column

•  When this ratio of effective length to the least radius of gyration is greater than 45, then it is called a long column.

•  A long column is subjected to a bending moment in addition to direct compressive stress.

•  The load-carrying capacity of a long column is less than a short column.

•  The load-carrying capacity of a long column depends upon slenderness ratio (slenderness ratio increases then the capacity of the column decreases)

•  When the length of a column is more as compared to its c/s dimension, it is called a long column.

•  Le/r min > 50

•  Where,

•  Le. = Effective Length of Column

•  r min = Minimum radius of gyration

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