

Crosswall construction is a modern and effective method of construction that employs factory precast, precision engineered, concrete components. Each component is custom-designed and manufactured to suit the specific project. This method of construction was developed to facilitate swift and adaptable residential buildings such as hotels, student residences, prisons and military barracks.


Crosswall buildings are durable, have good acoustic values and are virtually maintenance free. They are quick to erect, offering the client a rapid room occupancy programme. The precast components are brought to site ready to be placed within the structure.


Acoustic separation and additional finishes are minimised as the floor and wall panels can provide the required airborne noise separation. To reduce the impact sound through floors, a carpet or resilient layer is also necessary.


Fast overall project times are possible as, once part of the structure is erected, following trades can quickly commence work. This is the case because the wall and floor units provide a semi-internal environment.


Good surface finishes to wall and floor units minimise site works in making good and necessary additional finishes. It is possible to simply give a skim finish. This has the benefit of fast and cost-effective construction and skim-finished walls and ceilings need a minimum of ongoing maintenance.


Crosswall fully utilises the thermal mass that concrete enables through having minimum finishes which allows full exposure of the concrete surface.

Fire resistance

The inherent fire resistance results in concrete often performing in excess of design requirements for occupant safety.


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