

The following aspects should be considered when designing for cost. These aspects should be consider when you want to decrease the cost of your structural design. These tips will definitely make your client very happy!

Foundations heavier superstructure increases foundation size, and therefore overall cost. Thus, the foundation size, the amount of reinforcement, the extent of foundation all depends on the superstructure and the loads that are acted onto it.


The cost of a heavier superstructure will not be greater than 0.04% of total structure cost.


The cost of cladding is proportional to the area of the façade or the perimeter of the structure. The cost of cladding is about 25% of total structure cost.


The labor to include sealing and fire resistance is cheaper for flat slabs, due to traditional methods. The use of flat soffits decreases 4% of overall structure cost and construction schedule.


The soffit of a flat slab provides space for services. The lack of downstand beams provide large headroom space, which decreases cost of structure.