Site Conditions

Site Conditions

Possible Constraints:

1.    The constraint of the site can affect placement or availability of site offices and storage locations.

2.    The proximity of adjacent buildings to the proposed structure might affect structural (especially the foundations) and temporary works design.

3.    Constraints in site access can affect allowable equipment size.

Specific site boundary?


The structure should not extend beyond site boundary.

Exterior face of all bored piles should be at least 1000mm away from the site boundary.

Not mentioned.-

The building boundary is the site boundary. No structures should be constructed beyond the boundary.

Development Type

The proposed structure is in the City Centre-

Working hours for construction should be reduced.

Less wind pressure should be used with structural design.

Avoid pile driving.

Noise and pollution should be controlled.

Shoring required for basement construction due to adjacent structures.

No open cut method due to lack of space.

Self-compacting concrete should be used to prevent vibration

The proposed structure is in a Remote Site-

Large wind pressure should be used with structural design.

Have enough space for open excavation.

Some materials, labour, plant, and equipment are not available and might not access the site.

Less restrictions on the access of the site and the use of large machines, such as bored pile machines.

Less restrictions on site operations.

​Limited, Restricted Access to the proposed structure-

Should not use open cut excavation due to it taking a lot of space for other usage and construction works.

Should not use structural steel due to material delivery issues.

Site conditions, space,  and traffic flow should be controlled.

Prefer pre-fabricated construction.

Can use temporary on-site concrete batching plant

Possible for access and use of large machines


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